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New Winery, Demorgenzon, Stellenbosch
Visser Kapperer and De Bruin Architects

This project necesitated large earth works and excavations to enable the structure to be placed at the base of the vineyards slope, large drainage systems and retaining walls were built to ensure that the enormus quantities of water seeping out of the hill side were diverted. Workers safety during the project was paramount as this type of work can be very dangerous as there is always a risk of a cave in. The main structure is now up and the project has been without incident.

House Van Der Westhuisen
Sean J Mackay Architects

This stunning new home was constructed on a difficult site. The existing trees that had to be removed were very well established, and their root systems massive. Much excavation and earth work had to be carried out before construction could commence. This necessitated very deep trenches and the attendant risks of working in them amongst all the other site activities.

Cliffside Apartments; renovation and restoration
Retail Red Architects

Cliifside Apartments, are exactly that, which necesitated enormous amounts of scaffold and shade cloth to enable the renovation and redecoration to go ahead safely and not cause undue disruption to the adjacent apartments. The principle contractor having to proceed with great care, keeping the scaffold free of debris which then had to be removed and carted away in bags The project went smoothly and without incident.

Romney Park All Suite Hotel; Additons and Alterations
MLH Architects

This award winning All Suite Hotel added a large extension to cater for the expanding market from overseas. A large basement area was created and the new wing then constructed. The hotel had to operate throughout the project and the close proximity of the neighbors had to be considered all the time. Safetycon acted as the clients agent and the project was without incident.

45 on Castle St; Alterations and Additions
Design 360 Architects

45 on Castle has been completely gutted and is being converted into a hotel. The entire interior has been remodelled, and 3 more floors are to go on top. The lift system is being revamped at the same time. There is extensive scaffold and protection for the public as the work is over public roads in the centre of Cape Town.

Extentions to Petro S A Building, Bellville
A C G Architects

Petro SA commissioned the new extension to accomodate their expanding organization. The addition is being built while it is business as usual in the adjacent structures. Great care is being taken to ensure that the disruption is minimal and that no one is put at risk, also to ensure that the existing structure is not damaged. Safetycon has a safety officer on site everyday to oversee the safety aspects and the project is proceeding with no incidents to date.

Lawhill School Simonstown
Stauch Vorster Architects

The original school and dormitories were constructed from shipping containers. This was a very novel way of modularly constructing a functional building, cheaply and quickly. However this has limitations and draw backs with rust, heating and cooling. The container structure was demolished and as funds became available the new one has taken its place.

Renovation and Upgrade of Facades, Claremont Hospital
South Architects

This some what dated building was given a new look in line with the expansion of this hospital group. The project required considerable scaffold and great care had to be taken not to endanger the public. Some of the work had to be done close to microwave transmitters which meant close liaison between the contractor and the cell phone service provider, to ensure the safety of the workers.

New Multi Level Cosmetic Warehouse
W Architects

This warehouse was constructed to cope with the growth of a large cosmetic manufacturer in Epping. The construction required extreme accuracy, to accomodate the the sofisticated mechanized picking system. Much of the construction involved working at height and much emphasis was placed on the correct Personal Protective Equipment such as harnesses, hard hats and safe work procedure. The project  was completed with no major incidents.

New Orthopedic Centre; Vincent Pallotti Hospital
South Architects

This state of the art Orthopedic Centre was added to the existing Vincent Pallotti Hospital in Pinelands. During the entire construction period the existing hospital had to remain functional, with much attention being paid to access control, proper site fencing and safe scaffold.

Alterations and additions to Elkay House
Greg wright architects

After an aborted first attempt by others , this building in Loop street Cape Town is finally having the extra floors added. As can be seen from the photo, the safety implications on this project are legion and specialised scaffold has been erected to ensure that workers are safe and that the busy streets below are not compromised.

Blasting and Excavations in Llandudno

This shows some of the preparatory work required to cave out the rock and other debris before the construction of a luxury seaside home could commence. This was an extremely dangerous site with a giant boulder in the middle of it. the rock had to be blasted away piece by piece and then carted away safely. The process was a lengthy one, but was carried out successfully.

Dorsic House: Refurbishment
Mereilles Lawson Burger Architects

This refurbishment by the client consists of the replacement of all existing windows, redecorating the facades, gutting the interior and remodelling the space to tenants requirements. The existing lift is also to being upgraded The project requires extensive scaffold and its exposure to the prevailing winds means constant monitoring and inspection.